Spring into summer

Spring arrived on the farm and everything is beautiful. Nature blooming all over the place, nice enough weather to be outside most of the day, more and more animal sightings…everything is starting to come out. Greely finally gets to run around the yard-preferably naked, of course-and explore. He’s getting better at not putting things directly into his mouth when he sees them; sometimes he’ll just look at grass or leaves and hand it to you.

He’s been a little hesitant toward people lately-just a little-so I’m really excited to get him playing with other kids and exploring the world of sharing and playing and life outside mama, papa and aunt Nath. He’s still not fond of “no” and he’s discovering defiance and physical strength and the ability to object to things.
We’re all mind blown by all the development we see day to day.

Matt’s been doing amazing at being papa/keeper of the farm. The garden is started, we’re hoping/wishing/praying for rain.

We had a lovely visit with grandma Jan recently. Always appreciate her help and love. We love you, Jan!

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